Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bullying and storytime

There are several things that I cannot stand in this world. Lieing, cheating, watching friends fight, listening to my brother get angry over some idiot kid who keeps trying to get on his bad side, having to watch something happen and not be able to do something about it, are just a few of them.

But the one thing I certainly cannot stand for is bullying.

My roommate mentioned something about cyberbullying and how a 14 year old girl from Ireland killed herself because someone picked on her so much that she took it to heart. She had only been in America for a few months.

It's amazing that we have kids in this country who feel that they must make others feel inferior, the only one to blame, if you need to blame someone, is the parents who are raising the child. Why must people believe they need to feel superior?

I realize that the parents are not the only ones to blame, the kids themselves obviously don't know how bad their words are affecting them. That or they just didn't care enough to stop.

I know how the girl felt, in my elementary school I was the girl in the classroom that nobody liked. I got picked on all the time, had to do my own thing. I acted like I didn't care that much, but I did, ended up chasing the boys around the playground for fun seeing as I didn't have anyone to talk to. Then I met my best friend in third grade, she had just transferred over and in my mind, I needed to get to her before the others turned her against me. We've been friends ever since.

I stayed at that school until my sixth grade year, my parents had gone through a bad divorce at the time and my Dad wanted to move from Georgia, to Kentucky in order to marry my step-mom. I guess that since I had been bullied so much in elementary school and had to learn to protect my little brother, he was only five at the time, I turned into the tough girl.

When I first started going to my new school, there was one kid who tried her best to pick on me and make me feel inferior. I smarted off to her and showed her I wasn't going to be victimized, she retaliated by slamming my head into the brick wall as we were walking to the locker room to change. The mistake she made was doing it in front of all the others girls who knew that she was picking on me.

They waited until I had left to go to the buses to take us home before ganging up on the girl and telling her in no uncertain terms that just because I was new that they were not going to allow her to pick on me. One girl grabbed her by the collar and said that if she did it again, they were going to pound on her. I found out this later when my best friend got on the bus with me and told me that I didn't need to worry about this girl any longer. Surprisingly, I found that to be true. I never saw the girl again.

Anyway, cyberbullying is the same as bullying except you have technology helping with that. Had I had a cellphone at the time I was being bullied, I would have turned it off or blocked their number like we told my roommate last night, and then if it kept happening, called the police and report them for harrassment. I understand the girl was new but at 14 years old I wouldn't have stood for it any longer, I would have done something instead of killed myself.

I've also been having some story ideas this week. Most of them come to me as I'm heading to classes but here's one:

A girl walking down the sidewalk towards her next class, everyone assumes that they know everything about her. But, unfortunately, they have no clue about her true self. That becomes obvious when a group of men with guns show up on campus and repeatedly ask several students about a certain girl. The students don't know the girl they are asking for, until she walks past the men and they start chasing her...

It's an idea at least, I don't know if I'll go through with it though, as generally I mostly write fantasy stuff...Modern stuff isn't my forte but I could give it a shot.

Have a wonderful week!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bands and Sleeping

Well, it's Saturday. To some people that means a time to relax and hang out with other people and mostly just lay around the house. To others it means to go places all day like a theme park or a restaurant to enjoy family/friend time.

To me, it means that I have to spend all day looking at burgers, chicken and potatoes...

Saturday means going into work at Wendy's and earning my pay for six hours of the day. It's not really that bad, I stand at a sandwich station all day and look at a screen until an order pops up. When it does I have to try and finish the order as fast as I can so that my manager isn't standing in front of the tray I put it out at staring at me and wondering why I'm so slow.

Though I do wish I could go back to sleep.

I was sleeping soundly when I got home last night, it was the best sleep I had gotten in awhile. And mostly it was due to hanging out and having a great time with my friends last night, it wore me out.

So when we got done with what our plans had been we were trying to decide what to do that wouldn't cost money. The whole time they were talking, I kept imagining by bed at home and since I was only 5-10 minutes away I decided to head home. I said goodbye to my friends and left.

Imagine my surprise when I come home and there's about 5 extra cars in our driveway and no place for me to park...Dad still had his band practice going on.

Now I know I should of realized that Dad still had practice going on, he had told me that they had been practicing at our house on Friday nights. It was just funny and annoying to walk in the house tired and hearing drums, guitars and singing all throughout the house. And since they were practicing in our garage, it was the loudest underneath my room.

Safe to say I didn't go to sleep until midnight. But that wasn't entirely the band's fault, I got sucked into the computer...

Anyway, I had a blast last night and I know my friends did to. We gotta try doing something like this again when we all have more money and less schoolwork to go through. Hanging out and chilling is fun when you have other people around. :D

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Purpose/Venting a bit

I decided to create a blog in order to be able to vent/write down ideas I have for stories. I always have some form of idea going through my imagination as I head to classes that I seriously need to get it down on paper, but by the time I head back to my room or actually get in front of something in order to write it down...the idea is gone.

So this blog is to get these ideas down and to determine whether or not I can go anywhere with them. It should also help me a bit with my writer's block whenever I'm writing a new story. Also, if I feel like it, I'll probably vent a's of no concern to me if you like my ideas or if you don't. But feel free to look anyway.
